Monday, April 30, 2007

Tea for Two...or Eight?

What goes together better than girls, pretty things, and great conversation? Well, tea and coffee, and sweets, of course! :)
Recently we had all of those in abundance when the "ladies" in our fellowship here got together for a "tea". There were dainty little sandwiches (without the crusts, of course!), scones and fresh strawberries with cream and of course - strawberry jam. (Our hostess' told us that was the only proper jam for high tea!)

Roommates Laura, Chrissy, and Elizabeth were our wonderful hostesses that provided their home and culinary talents us.

(Below, seated from left to right around the table) Rebecca, Dianna, Laura, Elizabeth, Chrissy, Noelle and Claire...Cara is taking the picture. :)

Some of the girls brought special teas or coffees that were significant to them and as
we sipped they told us of time they had spent in India, or Costa Rica, or Ukraine or even Montana! We are quite an international group. :)

Best of all, though was the time of sweet fellowship and sharing of our hearts. We looked into God's Word and what He has to say about who we are in Him and how much he treasures us. It was a special evening of sweetness and beauty, but not only that of the treats and flowers, but of the special treasures in each girl's heart that has been put there by our Father. Please keep us in prayer that we would nurture those seeds of loveliness and see God bring about His fruit in due season in all of our lives.


Michelle said...

Fabulous darlings! I love a new blog to read! Fabulous address name as well!

ukrainiac said...

Well done! I love the we have a glimpse of who all we're praying for!!