Awhile back we started going out to do evangelism on Fridays and our primary focus has been reaching out to the homeless. (Click here to see some
previous postings about homeless in Prague).
While giving out the bag lunches we prepared and just talking to homeless people about the Lord, Jason felt like God was really showing him something.
"I just stopped and started asking questions about the person I was talking to. And I started to really see this little old lady as I asked her what she liked to do, and what her favorite food was, and favorite flowers... it was great just to see her face light up because I don’t think that she was used to people just asking about her."
"To see her excitement as she talked about her childhood growing up on a farm, and having a garden, and even as she remembered about the Russians - how she ran from them as they were shooting their guns at the people..."
"You know sometimes I think I want to talk, but I am realizing it is just better to listen. There is just nothing like seeing this little old lady with no teeth smiling at you!"
We had met Ivanka before
(see a previous post about her) but haven't seen her for awhile now.
There are 5 - 6, 000 homeless people in the city of Prague, There are many different homeless shelters that Jason is investigating and gathering information regarding. We are praying about the possibility for an opportunity to minister at one of those sites , praying about if there’s a chance to do a bible study or something.
Pray that God would lead us and open doors for whatever He has in mind!