Thursday, May 24, 2007

Just a Traveling Man...

It's often said that you don't appreciate people until they are gone, but this wasn't the case with our dear friend Jon. We loved Jon while he was here, greatly appreciated his gifts, talents, insight and perspective and were more than sad to see him go. Thankfully he only went back to the States, and our loss is tempered with the knowledge that he is moving on with God's plans for him, and so for that we are happy to let him go and wish him well in his further studies and in life.
Jon was studying here in Prague at Charles University ("It's all about nationalism"). He and Jason were roommates and as well as just being a great friend and a big part of the ministry here, Jon also lead worship for our Bible studies, etc. Being an original thinker and a bright student, Jon had opportunities to get to know some of his professors outside of the classroom. Please pray with us that the seeds of faith that God was able to sow through Jon would be watered and grow there at the university.

Just a few days before Jon left he played at a local coffee shop here in Prague. He sang some songs that he had written and if we can figure out how to shorten the clip (any tips, anyone?) we'll post it via YouTube here. Cara got to sing a few songs with him and a few of the regulars from the Bible study were was a good time.

So, Jon, God bless you. We miss you and are praying for you and you are welcome back anytime! :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I cannot believe how different Prague is from Kyiv!!!!!!!!!