Monday, May 7, 2007


"What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better,
not new organizations or more and novel methods,
but men whom the Holy Ghost can use -- men of prayer, men mighty in prayer.
The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men.
He does not come on machinery, but on men.
He does not anoint plans, but men, men of prayer."
~ E. M. Bounds
God put it on Jason's heart recently to call our team to a day of fasting and prayer. How true it is that when "we draw near to God, He draws near to us"! We spent the day together praying and asking for God's leading, provision, wisdom, and strength in the Holy Spirit. It was a sweet time. Tonight at Bible Study we were reminded that true Christianity is built on an intimate relationship with God and that this comes about only by time spent with Him. Prayer is a key to that relationship.
May we ask you to pray with us for some specific needs?
  • Pray for help with Czech language studies for the whole team.
  • God to prepare the hearts of the Czech people and for new opportunities and open doors for ministry.
  • Please pray for personal spiritual growth and quiet time with the Lord for the whole team.
  • Pray for the Monday night Bible Study, for the Lord to continue to bless the teaching of His Word.
  • Clear vision for future ministry.
  • Pray for the believers in our fellowship that their faith would be strengthened and their love for God would grow.
  • Pray for the evangelism on Fridays
  • Pray for a fresh leading and guiding of Holy Spirit.
    Pray for physical and spiritual protection.

Thank you for all your prayer and support! Please let us know how we can pray for you as well. Write us at and we would love to agree with you in prayer!

1 comment:

jen said...

Just to let you know that I'm praying for you and the Calvary Prague Team. I'm excited for you and the direction that the Lord has taken you. I know that He will use you mightily for Him. I love the pictures, too! Love you lots, In Christ Alone, Jen B