"Proclaim the gospel everywhere, to all people,
at all times
...and if necessary - use words".
Saint Franciss of Assisi
Ivanka didn't see Jason first, he saw her. She was almost hidden behind the crowds of people at the tram stop, resting against the wall with her two plastic shopping bags that contained -most likely - all her worldly belongings.
But when he put a hand on her shoulder and reminded her that they had met a few weeks ago at the train station, she was so happy to see him again. And when she saw the little lunch bag we gave her, Ivanka was full of hugs, kisses and words of thanks. But it was us that were truly thankful. Thankful that in some small way we could show the love of God to Ivanka and others.
Monika was there yesterday, too, as she is every Friday when we go out with sandwiches. It's hard to tell how old she is because her face is so swollen and red from both living out of doors exposed to the elements and spending her days driking cheap vodka as she was when we met her. She cried and reached out to grab onto us the first time we met when we told her that God loved her and had a plan for her life. She hung her head in shame at these words and we reassured her that God didn't condemn her, that He loved her and just wanted her to know that love.
She smiled through her tears and through the weather beaten and life weary face that at first glance appeared to be that of an old woman, there was a shine in her eyes that revealed a glimpse of a much younger girl, maybe as young as late twenties or early thirties. How did she get to this place? What happened? Only God knows and only God can take her out of this. For now all we can do is hold her hand, give her a hug and our little lunch and remind her again of God's love. It seems so little in light of her great needs, but for now it is better to do what we can, that not do anything.
Our heart's desire is to be able to offer more to these folks than just a lunch once a week. We have lots of ideas, dreams, etc. but we know that "unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain those that try to build anything on their own." So for now we will pray and we will continue to do what we can - to show God's love with sandwiches, cookies and an apple...to be his arms to hug and thereby proclaim the love of God to these whom most of the world would rather forget.
Would you please remember them with us? Would you pray with us for Ivanka, for Monika, and for the poor of our city? Pray that God would continue to guide and provide for this outreach and show us how to continue to show His love.