Friday, June 8, 2007

Near to the Brokenhearted...

"The LORD is near to the brokenhearted

And saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Psalm 34:18

That was the verse that came to mind to one of our team members today as we set out to try and serve the homeless of Prague. It has been on Jason's heart for some time now to try and reach out to the many homeless that are in Prague. In the parks, at the train station and throughout the city there are those who look to be the very ones that verse is talking about..."brokenhearted" and "crushed in spirit".

We made some sandwiches and put them together in a bag with some cookies, an apple and some tracts that tell of God's love. We went out not really knowing what we would do, painfully aware that what little we had to offer did not come anywhere near meeting all the pressing needs they might have, but wanting to simply in faith take the first step towards trying to help these folks and trusting that God would do for them all that we could not. We were not disappointed. We are learning that we never are disappointed when we simply step out in faith. :)

We handed out over 20 lunch bags and could have easily given out more. We saw a family sleeping on a park bench, drunks, people on hand nothing unusual in any big city...on the other, precious people that God loves.

We were able to talk to a few people, pray for a few others, and simply have our hearts broken with those things that break God's heart. The needs are so great and we wished we could do so much more. Some of us were able to minister to people using languages we had learned in other countries, some of our interaction was in English, and of course faithful Tomas was there to translate with Czech speakers.

We will be going out again next Friday, God willing, with food for both body and soul for these folks, not all homeless, but all looking for hope and for an answer to life's problems. Would you please pray with us for God to lead and provide for this effort? We want to do whatever we can, but more than that, we want to do whatever God is calling us to do.

1 comment:

Bahecca said...

I check in here (hey, I made a cezk pun and didn't even intend on doing it :) ), to see how my long lost friend Cara is doing. I like your homeless idea! I think it is GREAT!!!! GO FOR IT!!! As for the football team...GO GOD!!!!!!