Monday, June 11, 2007

Summer Outreach Prayer Request

They say that " a picture is worth a thousand words" and this summer we have an opportunity to "speak" millions of words about God's love to the people of Prague! We have an opportunity to do some outdoor evangelism utilizing some of the dynamic creative visual ministries from Calvary Chapel Kyiv, Ukraine.

Their drama team and a young man who does something really unique that could best be called "Paint-ing Evangelism" are available to come to Prague and we would like to ask you to be praying with us about this. Ukrainians need visas to enter the Czech Republic and for a group this size to come that distance there are a lot of practical needs that need to be met as well. Please pray that God would give us wisdom and open all the necessary doors if this is indeed something that God desires would take place this summer with us in Prague.

1 comment:

ukrainiac said...

Wow! How cool would THAT be? I'll definitely be praying.